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Experts: China may set up specialized units to deal with the Sea of ​​Japan over the Diaoyu Islands Paul Hall
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On the 28th, the Japan Coast Guard funding application ¥ 50.4 billion in fiscal year 2015 budget (about 3 billion yuan), compared with fiscal 2014 initial budget turned around some. The move to purchase new equipment, such as patrol boats and jets to strengthen "patrol" around the Diaoyu Islands waters.
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Japan intends to set up a "Diaoyu Islands affairs" exclusive team
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The total fiscal year 2015 budget request for 204.1 billion yen Japan Coast Guard, an increase of 11% over the initial budget for fiscal year 2014; apply for additional staff 566 people, including strive in 2015 <a href=http://www.hoergutzu.it/>scarpe nike tn </a> set up the "Diaoyu Islands affairs" exclusive team. The new budget also revealed that Chinese official responsible for analyzing trends and other information of the ship, "ship movement information to adjust the official" will be located in the general hall.
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Japanese media reported that Japan MEPC Office application is to increase the budget to deal with China to strengthen public boat into the waters of the Diaoyu Islands issue number of cases. According to the Office of Information Display MEPC Day, 2012 has 39 non-Japanese fishing boats entered the waters around the Diaoyu Islands, in 2013 there are 88, as of August 26 this year has been 169. Therefore, the Coast Guard also <a href=http://www.rosadeiventihotel.it/>scarpe hogan</a> plans to send jets 24 hours "patrol" the Diaoyu Islands waters.
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Faced with Japan over the Diaoyu Islands in China gestures constantly, over the past year, China to strengthen the waters near the Diaoyu Islands cruise, according to "China Ocean News" in January <a href=http://www.yoop.fr/>louboutin soldes</a> reported that in 2013 a total of 50 Chinese cruise fleet cruise Diaoyu Islands territorial waters.
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Experts: China should take the initiative to strengthen the personnel and equipment
Over the past year, the Japanese continue to strengthen the Diaoyu Islands waters illegally patrol equipment, according to Japan's "Daily News" in August reported that Japan is building 10 large patrol boats, will be incorporated into the day MEPC newly established Office "Diaoyu exclusive troops."
For the Japanese move, Foreign Affairs College professor, an expert on Japan to Beijing News reporter, said Zhou Yongsheng, Japan has strengthened illegal activities on the Diaoyu Islands waters, territorial waters of China pose a challenge to defend the Diaoyu Islands. This is reflected in two aspects, one staff specialization, Japan set up a special team to deal with the Diaoyu Islands affairs; Second, specialized equipment, the construction of some of the thickened good special vessels for the collision with the Chinese official boat confrontation.
Zhou Yongsheng believe that this is done in Japan <a href=http://www.huitre-85.fr/>air jordan pas cher</a> over the Diaoyu Islands firm long-term <a href=http://www.lassiette-legere.fr/>air jordan france</a> preparation, the need for appropriate measures to deal with China, to seize the initiative. He said, first <a href=http://www.hotelcavourmilano.it/>nike air max</a> of all, we should also set up the Diaoyu Islands territorial sea patrols to make personnel specialization; secondly, also made some special vessels, patrol vessels to increase the tonnage; Finally, given the Japanese patrol boats equipped with <a href=http://www.association-acacia.fr/>chaussures louboutin</a> weapons and more, our patrol boats to the On the Japanese side arms pressed to occupy in the fight against the initiative. (Reporter Wang Xiaofeng)

2019年1月28日 (一) 14:50的最后版本

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