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British media: U.S. <a href=http://www.inarchcampania.it/>woolrich sito ufficiale</a> yet to get rid of the shadow history of racial antagonism
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August 20 electrical Although Thomas Jefferson was a generally upbeat about prospects for the national American "father," but he had raised a taste of the full gloomy pessimistic predictions. British "Financial Times" published on the 20th Department Mingannite Gordon - Reed's article said that in the "Virginia notes," a book, Jefferson said that if as he had hoped, one day American slaves gained their freedom, So will the outbreak of the conflict, and the inevitable evolution of race war.
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The article said that earlier this month, Ferguson town in Missouri, one did not carry weapons teenager killed by a police officer. Today, after Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon declared a curfew in the town, <a href=http://www.inarchcampania.it/>woolrich shop online</a> people have good reason to ask: From Jefferson's era until we live in this era, whether the United States has been engaged in a war against blacks - - only in the form of sometimes manifested as hot war, sometimes expressed as the Cold War?
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In the United States, a young police officer died in the hands of blacks under suspicious scenes, such things are not uncommon. Many blacks can tell similar stories - they know or have heard of a young man is dead in this way.
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The article points out, Jefferson thought slavery cause in a state of war between slave owners and slaves. This is a property of the Ethiopian considered, so that all whites have any control over an Ethiopian legal system. Even if this system was <a href=http://www.rivaportuense.it/>louboutin scarpe</a> destroyed, legal and law enforcement officers is to ensure that blacks are still second-class status effective means, especially in terms of supervision and black whereabouts and behavior constraints.
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Although this is not the kind of war Jefferson speculated, but after experiencing the black era of slavery and his predictions are consistent. Jefferson noted that blacks will never forget the injustice suffered by the era of slavery, while majority of the population will never be able to overcome the whites against blacks "deep-rooted prejudices." He fears that this situation will hinder America's republican experiment because it detrimental to the reputation of this establishment in the United States on the basis of the principle of equality of the Republic, and the principle of equality written in black and white in the United States "Declaration of Independence" at home.
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"Declaration of Independence" insisted that all men are created equal, have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. If you follow it, but the idea of ​​establishing the existence of an eternal community second-class citizens, then its influence will be greatly reduced. Thus, Jefferson proposed separation is the most viable solution. Blacks will have to leave the United States, in their own country to get real citizenship.
The article said that in all the text Jefferson wrote, perhaps no one more than that caused by word of today's Americans angry - and some people laugh - this generation has a wide range of American and African-American visual citizenship for granted. Proponents of these ideas actually come from "American faith" seems especially so for those who wish us - one day - can "overcome" prejudice <a href=http://www.turrisimoto.it/>louboutin scarpe</a> people feel discouraged. However, in two hundred years, "Virginia notes," after publication, the suspect Jefferson expressed the essence of African American citizenship has never been eradicated.
The article points out, Jefferson talked about "deep-rooted prejudices," has distorted this important social function, but also to blacks, especially young blacks are assumed to be criminals, their isolation outside the boundaries of the full enjoyment of civil rights.
If you go to check the behavior of the police department records - from blacks abused in custody, to disrupt the black community arresting innocent people's lives searches policies, as well as the phenomenon of drug-related personnel in the arrest and conviction of the existence of racial discrimination - would certainly have the above conclusion.
As regards the relationship between the black citizens of the Republic and its government, as if they could say nothing to talk about. Ferguson town, black teenager Brown's death sparked a peaceful protest, and the government's response was <a href=http://www.rivaportuense.it/>louboutin outlet</a> to send a shape militarized police forces invading army, their weapons pointed at them unarmed civilians. We see this horrifying scene occurred earlier <a href=http://www.elmecc.it/>louboutin milano</a> this year in Utah and farm events Bondi comparison, when the white farmers - many of them with weapons - to protest what they say is the federal government over border behavior. By contrast, federal officials and farmers confrontation rather calm, no conflict between the parties.
Finally, said the United States bear the racial history continue to haunt people. Black is not <a href=http://www.internationalartconsultants.fr/>nike tn requin</a> the full sense of citizenship. Jefferson on slavery and white supremacy doctrine forecast legacy, and sometimes he would have been vilified, but his prescient than many people are willing to admit.

2019年1月28日 (一) 14:50的最后版本

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