“EndNote 数据导入到NoteExpress”版本间的差异

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Japanese media: Japanese working families in <a href=http://www.ristoranteacquaevino.it/>scarpe hogan outlet shop</a> 13.7% of husbands do not do housework
1. 打开你的Endnote数据库,在Endnote菜单栏中选择 Edit --> Output Styles --> Open Style Manager
2. 打开style manager后,滑动列表选择“EndNote Export”
According to Japan, "Asahi Shimbun" reported on August 9, the National Social Security Institute and recently published the results of population trends in the national household survey. The results showed that Japanese households, women's housework burden is still very large, and even have an impact on whether a child's judgment.
3. 点击选择你需要导出到NoteExpress的文献(按Ctrl同时点击选择多条)
Survey results <a href=http://www.ascetrecruiting.it/>scarpe hogan online</a> showed that the wife and husband work full family <a href=http://www.isaingegneria.it/>hogan</a> together, there are still 13.7% of the husband does not share the housework, <a href=http://www.itcgmarchetti.it/>piumini moncler</a> sharing ratio at 1 percent or less of households accounted for 30.0%. And his wife is a housewife's family, with 23.0% of husbands do not do housework.
4. 点击 File --> Export (导出前请确认你的Output Styles选择的是EndNote Export)
Husbands share the housework and even <a href=http://www.elmecc.it/>scarpe louboutin</a> have <a href=http://www.terzocircolomassafra.it/>hogan prezzi</a> an impact on whether you want a baby his wife. For 40 years following the investigation of his wife without <a href=http://www.gardadolomiti.it/>nike tn prezzo</a> children, and in answer to "the future there are plans to have children," the family, 70.4% as "husband often do housework."
5. Endnote弹出对话框,指定文件保存位置和文件名,点击保存
6. 打开NE,选择“文件-->导入题录”(或使用快捷键Ctrl + M)
7. 在NE的导入对话框中,选择文件保存位置,过滤器选择“EndNote Import”,选择导入文件夹,点击开始导入

2019年1月28日 (一) 14:50的最后版本

1. 打开你的Endnote数据库,在Endnote菜单栏中选择 Edit --> Output Styles --> Open Style Manager

2. 打开style manager后,滑动列表选择“EndNote Export”

3. 点击选择你需要导出到NoteExpress的文献(按Ctrl同时点击选择多条)

4. 点击 File --> Export (导出前请确认你的Output Styles选择的是EndNote Export)

5. Endnote弹出对话框,指定文件保存位置和文件名,点击保存

6. 打开NE,选择“文件-->导入题录”(或使用快捷键Ctrl + M)

7. 在NE的导入对话框中,选择文件保存位置,过滤器选择“EndNote Import”,选择导入文件夹,点击开始导入
