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Foreign media: Osama bin Laden family to buy Italian marble quarry
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According to the British "Daily Telegraph" reported that Osama bin Laden family has become the largest shareholder in an Italian quarry company. The company specializes in mining Tuscany (Tuscany) most valuable white Carrara marble (Carrara marble). The marble has supplied the Roman monarchy and London Marble Arch (Marble Arch) to use.
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Osama bin Laden family in Saudi Arabia to building mosques and famous. They want to increase the number to use marble. Renaissance artist Michelangelo (Michelangelo) have used marble statue of David for creation, it is called the model of Christian art.
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Controlled by Osama bin Laden's family in Saudi Arabia Construction Group has become the largest employer --2,013 luxurious marble purchased marble worth 40 million euros, about 20% of the quarry output. The group purchased Solicitor Antonio door Gini <a href=http://www.eli4u.it/>louboutin scarpe</a> (Antonio Menchini) in the case said.
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He said: "The usage is likely to continue to increase, I believe that the group see it as a strategic investment, and plans to begin production in situ marble business, rather than just the excavation work."
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Osama bin Laden was <a href=http://www.convittocutelli.it/>hogan donna</a> one of Mohammed bin Laden (Mohammed Bin Laden) of 53 children. The latter is the founder of the Saudi Bin Laden Group (Saudi Binladin Group)'s. However, in 1994 bin Laden family and Osama bin Laden to sever relations, seven years later, Osama bin Laden masterminded the September 11 U.S. terrorist attacks.
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2011, U.S. special forces killed Osama bin Laden in Pakistan. Today, the Chairman of the Group, is another son of Muhammad ibn Bakr bin Laden Osama bin Laden (Bakr Bin Laden), is also the half-brother of Osama
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In the July 31 only burst of Tuscany investment agreement at the beginning of this week was unknown until Bin Laden Group, a subsidiary signed a �45 million agreement from the local "Legend" Lara hands purchased Mull Mika quarry 50% of the shares.
Four Maltese Mika quarrying company holds 50% stake in Lara quarry, they have the right to one-third of marble mining, approximately 400,000 tons per year.
Ze its creamy white Carrara marble is famous in Roman times, the Romans used it to build the Pantheon (the Pantheon) and Trajan's column (Trajan's Column).
After several centuries, it was used in the construction of <a href=http://www.terzocircolomassafra.it/>hogan italia</a> Siena's famous cathedral, Robert Burns (Robert Burns) and is located in Birmingham statue of King Edward VII Memorial. Throughout the world, it has been used in the Philippines, Manila Cathedral of Our Lady interior, Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque in Abu Dhabi, Oslo Opera House, Peace monument in Washington, DC and Boston, Harvard Medical School.
Recently, the quarry also for 2008, "007: Quantum of Solace" (Quantum of Solace) movie shooting scene provided a vehicle chase.
Today, Carrara marble for some wealthy <a href=http://www.leterrazzetralezagare.it/>Piumini Moncler</a> customers become more valuable, especially as China, India and other emerging economies. Earlier this year, there have been reports • rapper Kanye <a href=http://www.poloscolasticoargenta.it/>piumini woolrich</a> West (Kanye West) ordered a piece of marble from Carrara to create the table and put their names in gold embedded guests for the reality TV star Kim • Card wear Shan (Kim Kardashian) wedding ceremony in Florence.
Tuscany vendor's solicitors Giulio Andreani (Giulio Andreani) said, Carrara marble prices rose by 30 percent over the past five years, reaching �3,000 / tonne, while a tonne of mined only takes 75 euros.
Lara held by Marr Mika four quarrying companies in transactions prior to July 30, is estimated to reach 180 million euros, was greatly improved over 1999 of 27 million euros. Andreani said, "This is a tremendous growth."
The agreement allows the quarry to join the list of 26 marble quarries global control of Osama bin Laden's family.
For marble and religious art is now <a href=http://www.marccusalliance.it/>nike tn prezzo</a> linked by a Muslim group that this matter concerns the control,  scorn.
"This must be applied to the marble beautiful things, whether Catholic or Muslim does not matter."
"Politicians are worried about losing control of the marble, but the producers have had to know the group, and now the parties are <a href=http://www.turrisimoto.it/>scarpe louboutin </a> very good," he said.
"Let people know who everyone knows who is in charge of investment business, which is very important. Race and religion is not a problem."
Door Gini said al-Qaida is not a problem. "There is no impediment because the Saudi Bin Laden Group is part of the bin Laden family, does not have any relationship with Osama bin Laden."

2019年1月28日 (一) 14:50的最后版本

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