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But how did this tradition start? March has long been referred to as the month of romance, and throughout our country family members often trade cards, items, candy and flowers as a way of showing their love. When we enjoy the break known as Valentines Day, February 14th but, is when many of these gifts and words of our love are changed. But how did this convention begin? The holiday is both a Christian and ancient Roman tradition that is indeed very strange. The first Valentines day can be traced back to the Catholic Church which started a feast day, considered in honor of its patron saint named Valentinus or Valentine. But how St. Valentine became connected with this fans holiday has long been a matter of discussion, and there are lots of popular stories describing the text. Among the hottest stories happens all through the next century in Rome. The ruling Emperor Claudius II had decided individual men made better soldiers, and banned marriage therefore h-e can create a better crop of soldiers. A young priest by-the name of Valentine defied the decree, and continued to marry young lovers in secret, and when Claudius found this h-e ordered that Valentine be put to death. Legend does credit Valentine with actually sending the initial valentine. The story claims he had fallen in love with a new women, who had been visiting him while he was in prison. Identify supplementary information on this partner site - Click here: check this out. It is supposed that he sent a letter to her which he signed From Your Own Valentine. Learn further on this affiliated web resource - Browse this link: valentines day gifts for her. Still another story shows that while attempting to help Christians escape from your deplorable Roman prisons, where they were often tortured and beaten, he was killed. Well never know the total truth about the Valentine figures, although there is little doubt about his daring and romantic appeal. Valentine was definitely one of the very most popular saints in France and England through the dark ages. It wasnt before 19th-century when British settlers arrived that Valentines Day was was introduced to North America. For different interpretations, please consider looking at: click here for. Today, according to Hallmark Research 192 million Valentines Day cards are changed yearly. This is along with the millions of flowers, boxes of chocolate and various gifts exchanged by lovers on this day. The afternoon has become associated with the greeting Happy Valentines Day Valentines Day is celebrated o-n February 14th annually. It provides you the opportunity to show a friend or lover, how much you care, by giving a gift to them of love and sharing this tradition with them.. Discover more on this affiliated essay - Browse this web site: What present do you want to buy? Ai Tao Gang.