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If you have one thing Se Marketers and site owners fear - it is a major algorithm update, particularly by Google. Well, much as we might like it never to occur, its here. Google has recently done a major protocol update, nick called Jagger update series. Google does minor algorithm revisions nearly o-n a monthly basis and once in a little while, it utilizes an important algorithm update. The final important Google protocol update happened in November 2003 called the Florida update, which made quite a stir with site ratings. To learn more, read our article on Google Florida Algo Update. Such as the Florida update, the much feared blender act have been done by the Jagger update. Its churned the sites and made it in to a list of unrecognizable pulp. Google is a hot-favorite between the net community trying to find information. Most believe the search results will always be very relevant. It would be consequently safe to assume that whatever protocol Google has, works just fine. So why does Google should re-engineer its perfect-looking algo so drastically? Has it perhaps not heard the saying dont repair what aint broke? From Googles perspective, the main reason is straightforward and appropriate. Well, for starters, net is ever-evolving and the algo often need to be altered in order to provide the best of results. Google engineered an algo, which it thinks will reward great sites and rank them well because of its readers. This grand site preview use with has oodles of impressive lessons for the meaning behind this thing. Google, like the majority of other search engines, keeps this algo a closely guarded secret to stop it from being abused. However, the Search Engine Optimisation community is consistently at work trying to rank their websites well. Using determined guesswork, logical thinking, special tests and extensive trial-and-error practices, they slowly figure out what the formula likes and dislikes. Armed with this knowledge, its not difficult to work on sites to rank them high in SERP Search Engine Result Pages, regardless of whether the site deserves to rank at the very top or not. This kind of formula abuse leads to less-than desired sites displacing great sites from the top ranks, damaging the Google index. Discover more on an affiliated use with by clicking Members - LowKick MMA. Clicking Zing Me - M?ng xã h?i & gi?i trí online l?n nh?t Vi?t Nam possibly provides cautions you could give to your co-worker. Subsequently, following a Kaizen philosophy, Google must re-engineer its algorithms to keep, what it feels are bad sites, out-of its top ranks. As a way to begin once again naturally, main protocol updates upset the current high-ranking web sites & delivers a lot of Search Engine Optimisation professionals back to their work-bench. Whats interesting to note is the time of the protocol upgrade. Identify further on lifecoachingcareer.blogspot.com2014/01/when-you-need-to-listen-to-mary.html by going to our thought-provoking essay. When Google updated its formula in November 2003, there were large-scale allegations by web site owners that Google intentionally upset the ratings of popular sites just before the Christmas shopping season to force them into buying Google AdWords paid advertising as a way to sustain the visitor traffic. While Google promises that the algo update choices are not affected by the AdWords group, its difficult to understand why theyd once more select a critical timing just before Christmas shopping season to update their protocol. The limits are very high and its business in the end. Google received 1.57 Billion in Q3 of 2005. If 2003 pre-Christmas formula upgrade result is any indication, I calculate that Google would record revenues of over 2.05 Billion in Q4 of 2005..