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A variety of video web sites are appearing around the internet, especially after the success of http://YouTube.com. Why didnt I believe of the idea of setting up an internet site where people can post their own movies? This sort of web site is such an easy idea, but a lot of people overlooked the recognition that such a web site may bring. However now that Google bought http://YouTube.com for 1.65 million dollars in shares, many people are trying their hand at cashing in on this huge market. This compelling https://youtube.com/user/1orangecountyseo essay has oodles of prodound tips for how to recognize it. Most of these web internet sites are trying to profit by posting movies that are interesting, or spoofs on each and every day activities. I do believe some of the funniest videos on the internet today are videos about President Bush. These movies range between real film footage, to footage that has been altered, to spoofs that poke fun at President Bush. Because all of us know that hes not one of the greatest public speakers around, the actual film footage of President Bush is hilarious. He is always saying the wrong thing, or finding his words twisted you might say that he did not want. Visiting Set Some Lipstick On That Pig: Site Name Forwarding Hao Sou Jia Ju probably provides warnings you could tell your co-worker. Among my personal favorite movies of this kind of video is when President Bush says something like, fool me once shame on you, fool me twice, I never get confused again. Ive also observed other footage of President Bush that was modified in a way to make him look even funnier than he already was. When I consider these kind of movies one comes to mind first, the video that decelerates President Bushs talk so that it sounds like he is drunk. Learn supplementary resources on our favorite related portfolio - Click here: www.youtube.com/user/1orangecountyseo/. This movie is hilarious and has made many appearances o-n different late night talk shows. The-final forms of movie are spoofs that poke fun at President Bush. An example of this type of video Ive seen is one that has a look-alike comedian sitting on stage doing his or her own interpretation of President Bushs State of the Union Address. This might be the best video, forgetting what h-e was talking about, since the comic is making up new phrases, and other common things that President Bush has been known to do. For one more interpretation, we know you glance at: partner site. If you have a little free time and you need to get a great laugh, then only seek out President Bush films on line and youll have an excellent time..