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Prov 1:33 But whoso hearkeneth unto me shall dwell safely, and shall be quiet from fear of evil. KJV In the wee hours of the morning, when the storm was at its fiercest, slamming trees into our property and shaking it to the very foundations, God gave us the Scripture to pray. We had been to pray for Pau... All of us who reside in the East Texas area just came via Hurricane Rita. Considerably harm was done by means of here. By means of it all, although, Proverbs 1:33 came by means of for us. Prov 1:33 But whoso hearkeneth unto me shall dwell safely, and shall be quiet from fear of evil. KJV In the wee hours of the morning, when the storm was at its fiercest, slamming trees into our property and shaking it to the extremely foundations, God gave us the Scripture to pray. We have been to pray for Pauls power tent that God placed him in as he battled the thorn-demon. two Cor 12:9 And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is created perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the energy of Christ could rest upon me. I found out about cal storm compliance by searching the Internet. KJV You see, our youngest daughter, her four young children, her husband, his mother and niece and two pals have been right here to dodge the storm. Right away after they got right here, the storm moved and was coming appropriate at us. We have been helpless. We could not move. The evacuation targeted traffic was also heavy. It took our daughter 12 hours to get to our house only 85 miles away. As you can see, the highways had been jammed. There was no escape. We were stuck here. We could not leave. Our two close friends attempted to leave but soon after two hours they had only gone one particular mile. I found out about by searching books in the library. They turned around and came back to our property. We then knew that we had been here for the duration of the storm. We also knew that the only way out was the protection of God Almighty. Once again, the only issue the Holy Ghost would let us pray was for the energy tent. You see, in the verse above, the expression rest upon translates two Greek words, upon and tent. Jesus place a tent of power upon Paul which protected him from the thorn for the rest of his life. We prayed for this energy tent and got it. Trees slammed into our house, carport and yard. Our gutters have been blown off. Visit to check up how to engage in it. I discovered article by searching books in the library. Our carport was smashed but our cars have been not touched. Our residence itself was protected. None of us were harmed at all. No harm was carried out to our home except the gutters. The energy tent came down. Praise God! We have been all safe. When helpless, pray for the power tent..