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Author = {Ackermann, Klaus and Angus, Simon D.},

Title = {A Resource Efficient Big Data Analysis Method for the Social Sciences: The Case of Global IP Activity},

Journal = {Procedia Computer Science},

Volume = {29},

Number = {0},

Pages = {2360-2369},

DOI = {10.1016/j.procs.2014.05.220},

Abstract = {This paper presents a novel and efficient way of analysing big datasets used in social science research. We provide and demonstrate a way to deal with such datasets without the need for high performance distributed computational facilities. Using an Internet census dataset and with the help of freely available tools and programming libraries, we visualize global IP activity in a spatial and time dimension. We observe a considerable reduction in storage size of our dataset coupled with a faster processing time.},

Keywords = {Big Data; Social Sciences; Internet Census; GIS; Memory Reduction},

Year = {2014} }

1. 第一行@article 告诉 BibTeX 这是一个期刊类型的参考文献. 还有其它格式, 例如 article, book(书), incollection(书的章节), mastersthesis, phdthesis(学位论文), techreport(报告), unpublished(未出版作品), patent(专利), collection(论文集), inproceedings(会议论文) 等等.

2. 接下来的”AckermannAngus-172”, 就是你在正文中应用这个题录的引文.

3. 其它就是参考文献里面的具体内容。