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Related text / mikes-song-lyrics - phish .html phish .net/ song / mikes-song /history phish .net/ song / mikes-song/lyrics /watch?v=ft9kIVD-oBA Phish /_/ Mike 's Song /p/ phish / mikes_song _tab.htm / lyrics /p/ phish / mikes_song .html /watch?v=N7eVhepjFYo /wiki/ Mike 's_ Song phish /14591.html Lyrics to ' Mike's Song ' by Phish . Trapped in time and I don't know what to do / These friends of mine, I can see right through / You don't gotta tell me how I Almost as old as the band itself, “ Mike’s Song ” has not been "trapped in time" at all. It has evolved from a simple song that Mike wrote into a springboard for ... About. Phish .net is a non-commercial project run by and for Phish fans under the auspices of the all-volunteer, non-profit Mockingbird Foundation. Phish - Mike's Song . Phish - Mike's Song ... Watch the video or listen to Phish – Mike's Song for free. Mike's Song appears on the album Slip Stitch And Pass. Phish is an American rock band most noted for its ... 8/28/2003  · Mikes Song tab by Phish with free online tab player, speed control and loop. Correct version. Added on August 28, 2003 Mike's Song lyrics by Phish : Trapped in time and I don't know what to do / These friends of mine, I can see right through / You don't gotta Hampton Coliseum - Hampton, VA - the opener to one of the all-time great Phish shows & a nice example of the way " Mike's Song " would always be such a great ... Mike's Song is a song by the rock band Phish . Originally written in 1985, and debuting that year on October 17, bass player Mike Gordon's song has been played a total ... Mikes Song tab by Phish at