Looking Gorgeous with Fascinators, Here Is the Secret

2015年7月30日 (四) 16:19Lemuelnunez2861讨论 | 贡献的版本

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Take a look at their head and you will see that, a fascinator. I do not know whether it is a kind of trademark of women over there to wear black fascinator or what, but I have to say they look gorgeous with it. You see, although you are not the bride who is absolutely bright in the special occasion, yet as a person that becomes a witness of the sacred ceremony, you have to look lovely. You just need to find a fascinator which matches with your outfit, for instance when you plan to wear a reddish dress, black wedding hats will be a perfect decoration for your beautiful hair. You can consult with your friends who have been accustomed to wear it or a fashion consultant to get the useful tips for putting a fascinator in your head, such as: Simpler, better Wedding is a sacred event, not a fashion show nor a party; that is way, it is never a good idea to wear too fancy fascinator with a big shape and too much decoration like bling or flowers. In addition, if it is a wedding, the bride is supposed to be the one who becomes the center of attention, not you as the guest, so be wise. Wear a small, elegant and classic fascinator to look attractive because simple is not always dull. Consider the fabrication When you plan to wear a fascinator along with your lovely outfit, you need to consider also the fabrication of it so the decoration looks good on you and match with the surrounding, say the weather. One of your friends has her wedding in a summer and you really want to have a fascinator with you. A milliner Gigi Burris says in this weather, a straw fascinator works well; it feels light, airy, and not too fussy. A black fascinator hat goes very well. Left or right? It depends on your preference actually, whether you like to put the fascinator in front of your head or just in a side. Gigi Burris suggests, however, to wear the decoration in a side as it looks easy and sweet to pull off rather than in front of your head. So now, which one is better, left or right side? The answer is it is up to you. Most people like to put it in the right hand side, yet if you think the left is better, just go ahead. Size does matter Respecting the host of the occasion is a must thus I believe you do not want to distract people's attention by wearing something large on your head. The last is your fascinator can cover somebody's face! Once again, looking amazing in a special occasion is completely fine, and appropriate head decoration makes it perfect. A black fascinator is a great choice. Not overly bright while not making a statement in the video of the wedding.

Demitria has always been creative. She even loved to add accessories and extra rooms to her dollhouses as a young girl. When she learned that women didn’t design things she took it upon herself to be one of the first. Today she holds 3 patents for what she describes as ‘inexpensive and fun’, sturdy home items. When a friend of hers was married, she found some fabulous pink fascinators for wedding that really made her look gorgeous for the wedding. For more information: <http://www.pinkfascinator.com/black-fascinator/> Here is a YouTube video you might like: <http://youtu.be/ZWxQ8uofHhM> Thank you