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What a wonderful feeling it is when you stumble across something thats not only a high-quality product but one that works for so many things! I initially got interested in Frankincense Essential Oil after reading an interesting article in the Daily Mail about utilizing Frankincense which has actually been found to be effective at decreasing pain and inflammation caused by arthritis. It got my attention because my granny suffers rather severely from arthritis. The next time I saw Frankincense, was on a 200 facial cream which promised younger, smoother and more radiant looking skin. I then discovered a whole host of other expensive skin products that contained Frankincense oil, and honestly thats when I decided to discover a bit more. Like for instance, did you know that Frankincense has been traded as a very valuable product for close to 5000 years? According to the bible Frankincense is a holy oil; it is among the gifts presented to baby Jesus by the three wise men along with myrrh & gold. Today it is still an important product referred to as the kingof all essential oils. The oil is produced from resin which comes from a rather scrubby looking tree boswellia serrata grown in India. This is the same location where more than 20 scientific research studies have actually been done over the last 15 years using Frankincense for the treatment of arthritic and other inflammation. You might say that this is current research showing the real power of the original Christmas present. But there is no way I can afford to pay for those pricey brands, like 200 for a small tub of moisturizer is a bit too much to ask. To get different viewpoints, we recommend you check-out: Find out more at essential oil/. However Im not going to let that get in my way. I found a way to treat myself, WITHOUT paying and arm and a leg for it. I believe all of us are worthy of the opportunity to treat ourselves like royalty and not pay the earth for it. Ok so, Im a huge fan of I enjoy the rapid shipping, plus they have a reassuring money back guarantee that ensures you are constantly pleased with your purchase. Not only was I able to obtain 100 pure Organic Frankincense essential oil for a wonderful rate, what really impressed me was the fantastic follow up they had guaranteeing that I received my item and I also got a free eBook, with tons of pointers and recipes for beauty products using my oil like easy DIY face masks which prevent the development of wrinkles or my latest favorite, an overall skin toner with effective astringent properties. And that ladies, is my secret, and let me tell you, I have had wonderful results. Not only is it loads cheaper but its 100 pure and natural. Buy pure Frankincense essential oil and make your very own beauty products, best of all it is much healthier for you too! You see I choose precisely what Im putting all over my face and body every day, dont believe for one minute that there are no nasty chemicals in those pricey brand names. Check for yourself and examine the active ingredient lists on many expensive brands to see for yourself. And to top that off, WellnesScent also offered me access to their whole series of essential oil eBooks, how about that! Since then I have become extremely interested in aromatherapy which utilizes essential oils and have purchased a few more oils like Lavender, Peppermint and Tea Tree to add to my DIY kit for making wonderful homemade beauty products. In fact, no woman ought to be without Frankincense oil, I mean its even remarkable as a healing agent, it really has the capability to minimize the appearance of marks from scars to acne to stretch marks. It unwinds overstressed muscles. Just a whiff of it brings a sensation of calm, relief from tension, stress and anxiety. If youre in the market for an excellent quality Frankincense essential oil, then I encourage you to click the link below to order yours now & see for yourself. I am sure you will be even more than impressed..