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Singing praises to God or worshiping him opens up a window to heaven. As your praise reaches ones heart of God, it becomes a two-way stream of communication. His Holy Spirit touches ministers and you to you, as you feel God with your praise. Praise and worship can also open the door to blessings from God. Because he is worthy of all praise we praise God. Hes the maker of Heaven and earth and the whole universe. Hes given life to us and through his son has saved us from eternal damnation. He loves us completely despite of our small comings and sinful nature. Most likely the most useful examples of how to worship the Lord is visible in the life span and Psalms of King David. Identify additional resources on a partner site by visiting God described David as-a man after his or her own heart. David loved God and God loved David. Mark had a wonderful musical talent and often came ahead of the Lord in songs of love and thanksgiving. He danced and performed music to praise God. In 2 Sam 6:14-15 it says And David danced before the LORD with all his might; and David was girded with a linen ephod. So David and all the house of Israel brought up the ark of the LORD with shouting, and with the sound of the trumpet. KJV Mark wrote beautiful words expressing his deep devotion and love for God. Should you require to get additional resources on Promeza Announces Largest Spanish Praise And Worship Convention In The USA, we know of heaps of libraries people should consider investigating. David earnestly attacked God, and desired to have a close personal relationship with him. This can be shown in Psa 57:7 10 where he writes My heart is fixed, O God, my heart is fixed: I will play and give encouragement. Awake up, my glory; awake, psaltery and harp: I myself will awake early. I will praise thee, O Lord, among the people: Ill sing unto thee among the nations. For thy mercy is good unto the heavens, and thy truth unto the clouds. KJV When we praise God were allowing the Holy Spirit to speak through us directly to our Father in Heaven. The Holy Spirits presence could be thought right within us and surrounding us as we speak to the Father through him. This lofty URL has numerous surprising suggestions for when to provide for this idea. Ive heard many times of healings happening when people have been worshiping God, and I believe it is because the ability of the Holy Spirit comes upon ministers and them with their needs while they are praising God. There are many different Hebrew words found in the Bible to denote praise and worship. These could be translated to the following English meanings. Worship - To fall down prostrate specially reflexively in homage to royalty or God, to bow down, crouch, fall down flat, humbly beseech, make or do obeisance, do reverence or to stoop. To get supplementary information, consider glancing at: Encouragement - Literally to-use thats, wait the hand; to revere or worship with extended hands ; intensively to bemoan by wringing the hands : give thanks, rejoice; a celebration of thanksgiving for harvest, to kneel; by implication to bless God as an act of love or congratulate. The principle distinction between praise and worship is the fact that we worship God for who hes, and praise him for what he has done. You will observe that many of these translations exhibit the concept of humility of coming before God in subservience and in respect of his awesome power. Were maybe not remembering him as we would a young child who did well, from the viewpoint of someone who is older and wiser were to reward him out of our total unworthiness to even be in his presence. In humility we need to grasp the scale of his love, awesome power and grace and reward him for them. We should reward him for loving people despite of how unworthy we are of his love. We must raise his name o-n high, perhaps not because of who we are, but because of who hes..