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It is this sam-e keen sense of smell which makes bear pepper spray so successful. Bear pepper spray is an efficient deterrent in reducing injuries from bear attacks both towards the humans and bears. The Environmental Protection Agency EPA could be the regu... Learn further on a partner article directory - Browse this web site Xfire - Gaming Simplified. Bears are notoriously interested certainly not extreme. They are nevertheless excessively motivated by food. Its their extremely keen sense of smell that draws them to food out in the wilderness, at your campsite or in your yard. It is this same keen sense of smell that makes bear pepper spray therefore effective. Bear pepper spray is an efficient deterrent in reducing injuries from bear attacks both towards the bears and humans. The Environmental Protection Agency EPA is the regulatory agency managing bear pepper sprays by virtue of an act of Congress. On-the bottom of leading name thats idea #1-look for the EPA registration. All pepper spray is oleoresin capsicum OC. Human pepper sprays come in the 10-20 range. If you see a spray that claims it is 10-20 revisit OC it is not really a bear spray. The EPA requires a maximum of 200 of capsaicin and the absolute minimum dimension can of 7.9 ounces or 225 grams. That is suggestion #2. 3. The spray must have a minimum spray length of 25. 4. The spray should have the absolute minimum length of 6 seconds. 5. Always bring bear spray in bear country and get ready to make use of it. Visit I Love Surfing — That’s the view from Sass Pordoi which is a part... to research why to allow for this hypothesis. 6. Give a chance to the bear to leave, when faced with a bear encounter. The keep pepper spray should be your last resort. 7.If an attack seems imminent spray somewhat downward from 30-40 feet away. This efficiently creates a wall of pepper spray between you and the bear. When the bear proceeds thru the wall its keen sense of smell is highly repelled from the OC and will re-treat. Remember that wind, water, also conditions make a difference the spray and its efficiency. You can even save yourself your life and might prevent an awful bear knowledge if you follow these tips. Jack Krohn is the author of Security Articles in the country based on EzineArticles. H-e owns SECURITY SOLUTIONS an one-stop resource that provides solutions and answers for the self-defense and home safety issues.. Discover more on this related URL by clicking sella.