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Style 15:5-6 5 And he brought him forth abroad, and said, Look now toward heaven, and tell the stars, if thou manage to range them and he said unto him, So shall thy seed be. 6 And he thought in the LORD; and he mentioned it to him for righteousness. KJV God told Abraham that his actual descendants wo... Notice how God creates reality through faith. In Genesis a miracle was performed by him for Abraham. He made a statement that was humanly impossible but it was made by God so. Generation 15:5-6 5 And he Look now toward heaven, and said, brought him forth abroad, and tell the stars, if thou manage to range them and he said unto him, So shall thy seed be. 6 And he believed in the LORD; and it was counted by him to him for righteousness. My mom learned about Funch Proctor re.vu by searching the New York Gazette. KJV God told Abraham that his actual descendants will be up to the stars in heaven. Now when this statement was made, Abraham and Sarah were already at night daughter or son bearing age. None the less, God said itd happen. Now whats Abraham to complete? He believed God He applied this information. Believe, in the Bible, means acting upon what God said to us. Then what does God do in response to Abrahams performing upon His statement concerning a young child for himself and Sarai. Abrahams old age made no big difference to God. When he acted on His word, God did a couple of things. First, He measured Abrahams action upon His promise to possess young ones the same as righteousness. The term righteousness means cleared of guilt. Whatever sin might have been in Abrahams life, this was his freedom from his past. His believing God was mentioned for the settlement of all the guilt for all his sins. Needless to say the second thing God did was give Abraham and Sarah their own, natural son or daughter. Identify more on our affiliated link - Hit this website site link. My boss discovered 5 Reasons You Need An Seo Consultant Events Eventbrite by searching Yahoo. His name was Isaac. And later, Isaac added forth Jacob and Esau. Be taught more on our affiliated web resource - Click here SodaHead.com - abrahaminfopail603 member 4096224 - IL, US. You know the remainder of the story. They can do the same thing or higher for us, because God did the above miracle for Abraham. Nothing is too big for God to do in our part. Find a word in Scripture that is published to the Abrahamic Seed Group and act upon it. You see, we Christians are grafted to the Abrahamic blessing claims right alongside Abraham. Our heavenly father will make it happen, whenever you act dear Christian. How reassuring to learn that what God did for Abraham, he can and will do an equal thing for us Christians today to meet up our needs also..