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Has it ever happened to you that while youre happily typing away on your pc all day on end youre really developing a problem in your neck that can lead to chronic migraine headaches or tension headaches? If you suffer with migraine headaches or tension headaches it may be something you must investigate. Each time a individual with migraine headaches or tension headaches visits a chiropractor for their suffering what does the chiropractor generally do for that individual? The typical treatment for some headache patients is always to change, or adjust, the throat. Chiropractors show us that many headaches come from neck issues, and that by adjusting or manipulating the neck stress and migraine headaches can be treated or cured. More Than 80 of headache patients that receive chiropractic treatment show improvement that varies from minor improvement up to total removal of the headache pain. If here is the case then it seems logical that almost all of migraine headaches or tension headaches are derived from spinal throat issues. It also seems plausible when we eliminated what was causing them, and knew what was causing these neck problems, we might also eliminate the tension, both migraine and complications. As a for 25 years I have treated several patients with tension headaches and migraine headaches. After examining a large number of individuals I came across that as much as 95 who were experiencing headaches had a very important factor in keeping, a corrected cervical neck curve. From the medial side view a standard neck must have a slight curve inside. However in my experience as a I estimate that approximately 95 of my people with headaches had both a lowering of that curve, no curve at all, or even a curve that was completely reversed. Great improvement was shown by most when these apoor throat curvaturesa were treated with chiropractic changes. Chiropractors know that headaches can be caused by apoor neck posture,a so the next problem becomes acan sitting at a computer cause bad neck posture?a If the solution is yes, then itas apparent that sitting at a does cause headaches and can. People often develop poor throat curvatures as a result of poor posture habits. Any such thing a person does that places their head in a position forward to their body may reduce or reverse their normal neck curve. And poor neck curvatures DO cause headaches. Visit What is a to explore where to ponder this activity. Chiropractors have already been teaching this for many years. Be taught more on our favorite related article - Click this web site The British Leave Home in Record Numbers to Reside Overseas. The kinds of activities that often leads to bad neck pose include sitting at a computer for extended intervals, reading with the head bent forward, sitting while slouching in a chair or on a chair, resting with the head or neck in strange positions, or any other activity that places the head capable forward to the human anatomy. So, to answer our initial problem, yes, complications may be brought on by sitting at some type of computer. Sitting at a pc can cause an unusual neck curve to build up which can cause headaches. Good posture can surely prevent the growth of bad neck posture, which would seem to be the most effective treatment, but what can be performed if the lowering or reversal of the neck curve was already created? Clearly, chiropractic treatment is definitely an option that could be considered. But there are lots of other alternative remedies for tension or migraines. A pain pill is just taken by most people. But are pain pills the most effective approach? They definitely are in some instances, but there are a great many other headache treatment methods that donat require the use of potentially dangerous drugs. Identify more on our affiliated wiki - Click here chiropractors in lancaster ca. All drugs have side effects, a few of that may become worse than the problems themselves. Before treating your health problems with drugs it is wise to seek the advice of a health professional. There are many natural remedies for migraine headaches or tension headaches. Included in these are anxiety and pressure reduction, ice treatment used at the bottom of the brain, eliminating food causes, getting the right number of sleep, biofeedback, headache pillows or cushions, exercise and numerous others. Some of these will help reduce complications, both migraine and tension, and could be examined further..AV Chiropractic Health Center 44820 10th St West Lancaster, CA 93534 661 940-6302