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Being a marketer, and for the report, I do think that we are all full-time marketers; I am always looking for ways to connect more frequently with and add value to my target audience I want top-of-mind awareness for myself, my business and my offerings. Now for decades, Ive known that publishing my newsletter could be an ideal way to do that and more however, being an impressive marketer, I kept returning to the fact that there are already quite a bit of newsletters out there and some of them are excellent. So I fought the idea of making one tooth and nail. Did the world really need another publication? Then one day I came to the realization that theres space for many people around and happened to put on my abundance-mindset hat and take off my scarcity-mindset hat. Why not, there are plenty of possible subscribers available to me; there are more than 6 million people nowadays, so I said to myself And some of the individuals are designed to hear the info I'll offer, from me. As an o-nline entrepreneur, I knew when I took this major responsibility on, I'd want to do it electronically because in my mind, it would be easier, faster and cheaper for me personally to make. And so I went ahead with a digital version of a newsletter or better-known as an ezine. For weeks I searched the best ezines, looking for both what I like-d and didnt like about them and created a professional and traditional structure for my soon to be ezine. I got it all ready it seemed great, I was all set to go. Then right before I hit the send button within my contact management computer software, I slammed on the brakes. Wait one minute, I said, What was I about to do. That ezine, while potentially might be well received, looked and felt exactly like most of the rest. Then my inner monologue really started in when I heard myself saying, It could quickly get lost in the mix or even worse, go unnoticed That could translate into a significant number of individuals perhaps not obtaining the value I plan to provide weekly value that could possibly make or break a business And the discussion in my own mind went on and on and on. To research more, people may view at staples fundable. Bottom line, I just didnt feel well about any of it anymore. And I knew if my heart wasnt in it, the subscriber would know and eventually the subscriber and I would lose They dont get excellent content and I drop a potential Raving Fan and subscriber. Now I dont have confidence in being different simply for the sake of being different. I believe in being different when it generates a big difference, to both my target audience and to me. I teach my clients and prospects constantly on how best to separate themselves from your competitors. Basically, it had been time for me personally to rehearse what I preach. So I changed gears and went back to the drawing board. That was painful. I used to be done. You will want to just send it out? I just couldnt. I wanted to produce a something that made a difference and I wanted prospects to take notice. I wanted to create an ELF (Easy, Lucrative, and Fun) experience for them I wanted a masterpiece. Then it clicked I really like to talk I want to write also but I truly enjoy talking more. I also knew that reports prove that individuals are more likely to listen than to see and that they also keep more that way. Along with that, there have been much less audio-based ezines than print ones so I would certainly stand-out from the pack. All indicators pointed to using audio, so right away, I knew an audio-based ezine was right for me. I felt great about this And the remainder is history Therefore, what ways can you add more value for your audience? How can you become top-of-mind using them? What else is it possible to do to differentiate yourself from the competition? How could you do most of these issues and have fun doing them? Because believe me, people will recognize. Visit ledified fundable to explore why to think over it. My ezine the Marketing Minute labored for me, what works for you? Ponder that certain a little. 2006 Online-marketing Muscle -- All Rights Reserved.. Discover extra information about fundable staples by visiting our commanding encyclopedia.