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My good friend who's your dog trainer offered his 5 year old Belgian Malinois to me for adoption. He is trained as a protection dog so he could guard his master, bite on command, generate the bite on command, stay until released and others. He's a trophy as third placer in Level 1 protection in a protection dog competition. I've two dogs at present a nine month-old Labrador.. and An one year-old. both are girls, compliance educated and not neutered. I'd l... Should you require to discover supplementary info on fundable, we know about lots of libraries people might consider investigating. Mackie writes My close friend who is a dog trainer offered his 5-year old Belgian Malinois to me for use. He's educated like a protection dog therefore he may defend his master, bite on command, generate the bite on command, remain until released and the others. He has a trophy as next placer in Level 1 protection in a protection dog competition. I have two dogs at present a seven month-old Labrador.. and An one year-old. both are women, obedience experienced and not neutered. I'd like to follow him and I know I can take care of him. Can he accept me after being my friend's favorite dog for 5 years? My friend assured me he could shift the respect of the dog to me. He is a fierce dog when in competition but when away from training band a really quiet dog. In reality my friend brings the dog with him on a regular basis and I know of several occasions the dog is off leash. This thrilling go here for more info article directory has oodles of dynamite aids for the reason for it. He's offering him up because he needs to restore him with a younger dog. Should I just take him on his offer? Precious Mackie Yes... the dog will transfer his loyalty to you. If you are interested in English, you will certainly wish to check up about fundable ledified. Here are two main issues you should think about before adopting this dog 1. The Belgian Malinois (especially one which is bred and trained for bite work and protection dog sports) will require lots of work ON YOUR OWN PART to learn how to take care of this dog. You're going to require a lot of training... one-on-one style... Learn supplementary information on our affiliated essay by visiting ledified fundable reviews. to effectively incorporate this dog in-to your daily life. It's like driving a Ferrari or perhaps a race-car. The car already works great, but if you don't understand the right way to drive it, you'll wind up killing your self. And just because you already know how to drive a Subaru does not cut it... we're talking Ferrari, here. And the Belgian Malinois is just a Ferrari with the tricked-out Turbo motor. 2. The breed is definitely an really HIGH DRIVE breed. This dog needs A great deal of exercise and mental stim-ulation. LOADS. Please make an effort to identify that using this dog would have been a important responsibility. If you opt to take action, and you are effective, you'll have an incredible companion. The type is fairly healthy and you may be content-in knowing that you own a KING OF KINGS in terms of working dogs are concerned. Part of me has always wanted that which you are considering getting. But my lifestyle and dedication for the exercise and training requirements are something I really do not have at this present point in my own life. P.S. Be sure that the dog is not dog extreme before you decide to take control. That's all for now, folks Adam.