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Many sites display exactly the same dull templates or skins for that structure. While the theme does not affect readers who appreciate your blog via RSS (unless they click through to the blog), however it affects some other blog visitor who says the blog from the browser. The more unique-looking a blog design is, the easier it's to construct brand recognition and an excellent name that gets you in-to marketing. To discover more, people can gander at Rolland Melton Activity Streams. Your own personal blog won't stick out from the group, if your blog looks like a large number of other blogs and you will lose out on guests. Before I've been using free Wordpress layouts myself. I employed minor adjustments, however it never really separated my website from others enough to become really special. The issue with a lot of sites is to learn what is their primary specialty. What is the primary theme a blogger is currently talking about? Usually there is no way to tell what a blog is all about - particularly when you enter a from an older posting through a search-engine listing. The website might sooner or later have a small bit of text explaining the main topics a blog, but aged articles don't show this normally. O-r the blog owner does not even bother at all to inform what his main intention for that blog is. With a custom blog design this can easily be incorporated and really helps to make the blog look different from other people. With a custom header as an example it helps to have the look you are trying to find. To begin with if it is unique it makes my website stand out more. 2nd it will also help you to show what your blog is all about and for that reason get people to keep coming back. Make your Blog seem special + make sure your visitors know what your website is all about. It does not mean that your blog is really of interest for them, because they find a (one) posting of their search term that is matched by your blog. However you may be able to find their attention by pointing out what your site is actually about. If you catch their interest you might get a new reader that b) eventually tells others about your great blog and a) comes back to learn more from your blog..