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Tesoro Senior School Gym Teacher Helps Kids Stay Match John Gipe used to be over-weight in senior high school. He heard his teachers call him large and he knows how overweight students in the Orange County Schools feel. Gipe has been teaching physical education for over twenty years and was planning for retirement but was worried about the growing quantity of over weight kids at Tesoro High-school, the main Orange County School District. H-e knows from personal knowledge that being overweight in your child years may have lifelong affects in your health, such as knee and right back problems as an adult. H-e made the decision to test and do something to help these students. Gipe found that the old-fashioned focus on team sports in physical education wasn't keeping students match. Gipe and a nearby Rancho Santa Margarita pediatrician produced your Body Composition class. Visit to study the reason for it. That class isnt just for the fat but is really a reaction to the growing inactive life style cause by adolescents. The course is founded on and uses the sam-e form of strategies and work as modern health groups. This includes learning about maintaining a nutritional diet, learning proper stretching and strengthening practices. Experts within the high schools are taught how to quietly suggest fat students for the school. The course has proved effective and is currently being implemented in six other Orange County School District high schools. Club Techniques Gipes Human anatomy Composition class offered in a few Orange County School District high schools is frequently more intense and individualized than the volleyball or badminton played in the typical physical education class. The students participate in push-ups, crunches, work with medicine balls, and use equipment made to improve balance. This is all done to pumping music and Gipes constant support. This environment makes an energetic part to the students of the process. Too little enthusiasm is one of the major causes that the standard physical education class does not keep the students match. The students get to practice yoga type breathing and cool off, once the exercises are over. The music is deterred and Gipe takes on a different part. He doesnt shout but speaks softly and tells the students about what it takes to accomplish the goals theyve set to boost their health. Why Student Health is indeed Essential Bad students aren't just hurting themselves but can have an adverse affect to the schools. Students who do not eat properly have lower test scores, in many cases are absent more and may have trouble focusing. You can find a lot more than seven million over-weight students in American schools. It has caused a growth in childhood heart disease and diabetes. Absenteeism can affect the state and national funding that the school receives. This is simply not meant to be insensitive but to illustrate the demands that may be placed on large school districts like Orange County School District. The average student absences can cost a school between 10 and 20 dollars per day, which can soon add up to thousands per year. Additional costs can be sustained by the institution due to extra staff or overtime had a need to help students with weight or nutrition-related ailments..