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The easiest way to maintain your links, and have guests wind up o-n their required page is to setup a redirect from the old site to the new one. If you have to move a site from one site to still another, itll mean that most of the links pointing to your old site would now be lost and would create the dreaded 404 error when guests came in via old search engine list or links. The E Bay Buyer S Faq. 27166 – W Admin contains further concerning the purpose of it. The easiest way to maintain your links, and have visitors wind up on their essential page is to setup a redirect from the old site to the new one. In the event you hate to learn more about On the web tools make translation Chinese/English simpler - Physiology Discussions, we know about many online resources people might think about investigating. Dig up further on this partner website - Click here webaddress. In this example, were going to assume that we use to have a domain called OLDSITE.COM and for whatever reason weve to move everything across to NEWSITE.COM The first up, dont destroy the hosting for the old site but keep it running for a while. This will then allow us to re-direct visitors from your old site to the brand new site. 30-1 redirect just tells search-engines that visit your site that the old URL has now completely changed to a different URL. They will begin to change all the old links within their index across to the new place once the search engines find the 301 redirect. This can take some time and on-site websites, this may take weeks to have the search engines convert most of the old links across to-the new locations. An.htaccess file is simply a simple text file that contains directions for your web server that run-on that hosting account. On your computer, begin a copy of NOTEPAD This is accomplished by going Start-Accessories-Notepad and edit your existing.htaccess document or even to create a new one. DONT use Word or some other word pro-cessing software to open the file, because these plans have the horrible practice of applying funny characters in file that will cause the.htaccess file not to function effectively. If your new sites design is precisely just like the old site, then just place the following line in your.htaccess document Redirect 30-1 http://www.NEWSITE.COM Now save the file, and FTP this file up into your sites major bill. On most Linux based systems, this is the /public_html/ index Now, every time a guest be it a human or even a search engine bot comes to your old area, they will be re-direct to your brand-new site. Therefore if they came buying document called stuff.html old URL would be they would get immediately re-directed to This is the easiest way to move a complete site in one site to a different If the structure of the new site is different from your old one, then well need to place each old URL to its corresponding new place. This applies if you choose to change the structure of your website, and you need to keep the links from your old structure and place them with their new location. You wanted to direct people to and if youve an URL that was youd place these inside your.htaccess document. Get more on our favorite partner wiki - Visit this webpage Redirect 301 /dogtraining/ The format is Direct 301 old-location new-location The old-location will be the path to the location without the domain name The new-location may be the full path to ultimate destination it must are the fully qualified domain name too. Which means when every a guest comes in on the old URL the net server will redirect them to the new URL of If you have multiple areas that you want to re-direct, then youve to have multiple redirects create. With one re-direct per line. A good example may seem like this Re-direct 30-1 /dogtraining/ Redirect 301 /policedogtraining/ Re-direct 301 /dogtrainingvideos/ Its time consuming setting up 30-1 direct, but if your site had valuable incoming links, then its worth spending the time to keep your site lucrative and keep your site rating along with it applied to and to maintain those links..