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I really do enjoy painting. I simply find it so peaceful and indeed therapeutic, getting completely lost in my own little paradise. Ive created hundreds of paintings for many years and given many of them away to friends and family and in fact a number of months back, one such good friend appeared to pay me a visit when I was in the middle of one of my little artworks and she commented on how she wished she was an artist like me and be able to produce such beautiful paintings with just some paints and some old artists paint brushes. She said she was amazed at how old and well worn the brushes were and asked if that was the secret to how the completed pictures looked so good. She asked how long I had actually had them. Yep, Ill confess I was flattered at being called an artist, but it got me looking a little more closely at my old paint brushes and I quickly realized that Id had them for ages and they actually were very scruffy and worn out and it got me thinking that although I liked using these old faithfuls, they really were not improving my painting in any way. So later that day, I called an artist friend and asked him where he got his artists paintbrushes these days and he amazed me when he said he got all his materials from Amazon, which he found to be really dependable, with excellent quality items and excellent prices and mainly with a next-day shipping. My mind made up; it was bye-bye to the tatty old faithfuls and I went online to Amazon and searched for top quality artists paintbrushes and the first set that actually captured my eye was Magic Touches - "Artists Paint Brushes – FR\", which was a set of 9 Filbert Brushes". They looked really excellent, were made from a Golden Nylon with black tips, which is a specially designed top quality synthetic material, and is my preferred sort of brush, particularly for Acrylic and oil painting. Browse here at Keep reading about this artists paint brushes product to study the inner workings of this viewpoint. The set was of nine Filbert head brushes, with long handles and just the best sizes for me, and I was impressed by the great customer reviews they had actually received. A few clicks on the laptop and my order was completed and sure enough, the next day I had my super new Paintbrushes ready to use and I couldnt wait to try them out. Wow, what a difference They were magic. So comfortable and nicely balanced to hold, fantastic paint holding capacity, with an easy, smooth flow of paint and just a great pleasure to work with. I was truly delighted with these gems. So if youre thinking about changing your old tatty paint brushes, I would certainly encourage you to Click the link below and get your set now and see for yourself. If you do decide to give them a shot, I am sure you will be absolutely delighted..